Best PPC Expert in Delhi

Are you looking for the best Google Ads or Adwords PPC expert in Delhi?
Do you have an online business?
Are you looking for potential customers from Google?
Do you want results quickly from Google or another search engine?

Here is one answer to all the above or related questions i.e. Hire the best Google Ads or Adwords PPC expert in Delhi.

Google Ads or Adwords PPC expert knows how to bring perfect customers from Google or another search engine for your business. He knows about your online business competition and how to beat it.

 Best PPC Expert in IndiaAnand K Jha Certified Google Ads PPC Expert


Hi There, my name is Anand Kumar Jha. I am a Google-certified digital marketer with more than 9 years of experience in SEO and digital marketing. SEO & PPC are my 2 strengths.
I know how to bring potential customers for your business from Google through organic and paid results.

PPC expert in Delhi- Anand K Jha certified by Google
PPC expert in Delhi- Anand K Jha certified by Google

Let’s begin with a small introduction about PPC or PPC advertising

What is PPC advertising?

PPC is a pay-per-click campaign type. This type of paid marketing campaign type is available on Google, Bing, Facebook, Twitter, etc..
Any campaign where you have to pay for the click to the advertiser is called a PPC campaign.
Google Ads or Adwords is popular in this. Google Ads or Adwords has the biggest market share in this.

Why Google Ad or Adwords PPC Campaign is Best for Perfect Customers Acquisitions?

Google has billions of daily searches. In the coming years, it will be more.
More interestingly, Google has more than 100 useful software and apps that we use in daily life.

Here. I am going to reveal some facts about Google Ads or Adwords importance for businesses

The users who search on Google are already at the stage of buying.
Most internet users use Google for shopping or buying anything.

According to the data, Google has more buying or shopping type users than Amazon or any other search engine. People first search on Google to select the best items.

Internet users consider Google search results as more trustworthy. Google has a high credibility and reputation.

Every SERP or Search Engine Result page has 10 organic results (SEO plays) and 4 paid results (PPC plays).
All the paid results are at the top. That’s why they get more views as compared to organic results.
According to data, up to 65% of users of Google don’t know the difference between paid & organic results.

Google has a wide network of ad campaigning. Google has a large display network that includes top sites or marketplaces like eBay, Amazon, Bing, etc..

Google ads also are shown to Android app users as well as Gmail users.

So from these above facts, you can estimate the power or dominance of Google Ads or Adwords PPC campaigns.

Who is the best Google Ads or Adwords PPC expert?

I think the best Google ads or Adwords PPC expert has the following qualities or skills.

  • Google Certified
  • Analytics certified
  • At least 5+ years of experience
  • Knowledge of digital analytics & data analysis
  • Knowledge of all copywriting techniques
  • Knowledge of all beginners and advanced features of Ads
  • Knowledge of keyword research
  • Knowledge of CRO (conversion rate optimization)
  • Knowledge of lead magnet
  • Knowledge of retargeting or remarketing skills

How to hire the best Google Ads or Adwords PPC expert?

You need to check out the above-given qualities or skills in Google Ads or Adwords PPC expert. If he or she fulfills those requirements then you should hire him or her.

What are the advantages & disadvantages of Google Ads or Adwords PPC?

Let’s know about the advantages of Google Ads or Adwords PPC

Advantages of Google ads or Adwords PPC

  • Instant results
  • A wide network of ads campaigning
  • More control over the visibility of ads
  • Retargeting or remarketing available
  • Flexible budget and more

Disadvantages of Google Ads or Adwords PPC

  • Highly costly campaigns for some businesses such as hair falls, real estate, surgery, etc..
  • Click frauds
  • No control over user behavior
  • Ads policies

So, these are some advantages and disadvantages of Google Ads or Adwords PPC.

But, I like to recommend you Google Ads or Adwords because it has great potential.

Best Google Ads Management Performance by Anandkjha

10X Plus Sales Generation Using Google ads best performance by anandkjha
More than 10X Revenue Generation for Canadian Clients using Google Ads

You should hire a Google Ads or Adwords PPC expert for better results and overcome these disadvantages.

What results to expect from a Google Ads or Adwords PPC expert?

You should expect the following results from a Google Ads or Adwords PPC expert

  • Quality leads for your business
  • ROI from campaign
  • Technical or nontechnical suggestions for more results
  • Proper management of the campaign

How much does a good Google Ads or Adwords consultant cost?

Usually, an expert charges some percentage of the monthly budget for maintaining and optimizing the Google Ads or Adwords campaign. Some experts or specialists have packages for different monthly budgets.

How can I help you?

I can help you with your Google Ads or Adwords PPC campaign. I am Google certified with 7+ years of experience in this field. You can find all the above qualities and skills with me.
I helped businesses in India as well as Abroad with more business from Google.

My Google Ads or Adwords PPC charges

Request a callback or fill out this simple form to let me understand your business first.

What Our Valuable SEO & PPC Clients Are Saying

So, just give me a call back request or fill out this simple form to get a free Adwords campaign audit.